Thursday, 13 March 2025

HALT Your Decision—Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.—21st-Century Philosopher & The Father of “Soft Leadership


 “Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.” —Napoleon

We all make decisions in life. All decisions may not deliver fruitful results as some decisions succeed while some fail. If we take precautions while making decisions the probability of success will be higher. But how to make smart decisions is a million-dollar question. There is no magic wand to make sure all decisions are successful. However, what we can do is to HALT your decision where HALT is the acronym for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tensely to ensure a higher success rate in decision-making. Here is how HALT goes:

When you are hungry you tend to make biased decisions as you have a strong appetite. When you are in anger you make decisions impulsively. When you are lonely you make decisions based on your emotions without consulting others. Finally, when you are in a tense mood you are in a confused state.

For successful decision-making, it is vital to use your head and heart. People either use their heads or hearts and rarely do they blend both to achieve the desired outcomes. When you go by head you go by logic and reason but you may not have any concern for people. Precisely, you go by task orientation. In contrast, when you go by heart you go by emotions and feelings with a concern for people. Precisely, you go by people orientation. However, if you want to eat the cake and have it too, then it is essential to blend both your head and heart that is to care for people and also production so that you can achieve desired outcomes by taking all aspects in view.

Hence, halt your decision when you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tense, and blend your head and heart to make sound decisions. Good Luck!


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Note: I had a brain hemorrhage. I was in bed for five months. My right hand has been numb and paralyzed. I am recovering. Thanks for empathizing with me. With gratitude.

Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.

Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India


Vision 2030:






See the Light in You:

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