Friday 21 September 2018

“Curiosity decreases as one gets older but it remains intact in extraordinary individuals.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“Curiosity decreases as one gets older but it remains intact in extraordinary individuals.” —Professor M.S. Rao
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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Wednesday 12 September 2018

Soft skills: toward a sanctimonious discipline ―Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D in Soft Skills

Dear friends,

I am excited to share with you the publication of my award-winning research paper titled, ‘Soft skills: toward a sanctimonious discipline’ in the special edition of the prestigious Emerald journal ‘On The Horizon’ URL:  with a free access for a short period URL: 

I have earned my PhD in soft skills in 2011 and published six books and I am striving hard to achieve sanctimonious status to “Soft Skills” as a discipline globally. I debunked several myths about soft skills and offered right definition to soft skills. I do research regularly to create curriculum for global educational institutions and companies; measure soft skills; and ensure takeaways to learners and leaders at all levels including chief executives. Here are some quotes on Soft Skills.

“Soft skills are a collection of skills that are essential to survive and succeed in personal, professional, and social life.” ―Professor M.S. Rao
“Soft skills are polite and pleasing way of communicating with others, whereas hard skills are what you contribute in the workplace. Soft skills complement your hard skills. Precisely, soft skills are presentation of your hard skills in the workplace. Soft skills are interpersonal skills, whereas hard skills are job-related skills.” ―Professor M.S. Rao
“With hard skills, you can manage your boss; and with soft skills, you can lead your boss.” —Professor M.S. Rao
“Your hard skills help you acquire employment and your soft skills help you ensure your employability.  Hence, integrate hard and soft skills to fast-track your career.” —Professor M.S. Rao
“The way hard and soft skills are essential to achieve your career success, ‘what you know’ and ‘who you know’ are essential to fast-track your career.” ―Professor M.S. Rao
“Hard skills can be automated, not soft skills because soft skills are interpersonal skills and closely related to emotional intelligence which are hard to teach, train and impart to humans.” ―Professor M.S. Rao

Here is the link to read and share free chapter of my upcoming Book “Soft Leadership: A New Direction To Leadership” URL:  


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Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao
Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants India

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Saturday 8 September 2018

Quote on Confidence-“Confidence without clarity is catastrophic to the individuals and institutions.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“Confidence without clarity is catastrophic to the individuals and institutions.” —Professor M.S. Rao
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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Quote on Indian Politicians-“Indian politicians are fulfilling their greeds instead of serving the needs of the people.” —Professor M.S. Rao

Quote on Strategy-“Strategy can be defined as the art and craft of developing and deploying employees based on their strengths; aligning their energies; and inspiring them to achieve organizational goals and objectives.” —Professor M.S. Rao

Quote on Leadership - “To excel as a resilient and effective leader, you must accept challenging roles and responsibilities; and to grow as a successful leader, you must accept line roles and responsibilities instead of staff roles and responsibilities.” —Professor M.S. Rao

Quote on Success - “Success is adding value to others; touching their lives; and making a difference.” —Professor M.S. Rao