Saturday 8 September 2018

Quote on Confidence-“Confidence without clarity is catastrophic to the individuals and institutions.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“Confidence without clarity is catastrophic to the individuals and institutions.” —Professor M.S. Rao
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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Quote on Indian Politicians-“Indian politicians are fulfilling their greeds instead of serving the needs of the people.” —Professor M.S. Rao

Quote on Strategy-“Strategy can be defined as the art and craft of developing and deploying employees based on their strengths; aligning their energies; and inspiring them to achieve organizational goals and objectives.” —Professor M.S. Rao

Quote on Leadership - “To excel as a resilient and effective leader, you must accept challenging roles and responsibilities; and to grow as a successful leader, you must accept line roles and responsibilities instead of staff roles and responsibilities.” —Professor M.S. Rao

Quote on Success - “Success is adding value to others; touching their lives; and making a difference.” —Professor M.S. Rao

Quote on Women Leadership - “Think managers, think men; think leaders, think women.” —Professor M.S. Rao