Wednesday 14 August 2024

Professor M. S. Rao’s Message to Indians on 78th Independence Day!—The Father of “Soft Leadership” & International Leadership Guru


Happy Independence Day!

Dear brothers and sisters of India,

Today we celebrate India's 78th Independence Day! As a citizen of this great country, it is a great honor to share my thoughts with fellow citizens. Today is the day we must take stock of what we have achieved and yet to reach to take India forward aggressively as an economic superpower in the world.

There are innumerable challenges ahead for our country. There is an urgent need for the Indian youth to build skills and abilities to enhance their employability skills. Globally the baby boomers are retiring and there is an urgent need to make the Indian youth as leaders to fill the gap arising out of their retirement. It enables the Indian youth to undertake leadership roles and responsibilities to lead our nation. It also helps build next-generation leaders. There is growing urbanization and there is an urgent need to build homes for the homeless in India. There is also an urgent need to check corruption which has become a cancer to our society. Some of the people are not ethical and most of the money goes into the private coffers of politicians.

India is a land of unity in diversity. To succeed as a nation, we must support secularism. Let us not get carried away by narrow politicians who divide our society in the name of region, religion, language, caste, and community. Let us promote fraternity to bring oneness in all of us. Let us be proud that we are Indians first and Indians last.

We need reforms in infrastructure to have a strong infrastructure to enable us to have a strong superstructure. We must understand the fact that whatever has been tried and tested and was successful in the past might not be successful in the future. Hence, we must explore innovative technological tools and techniques to build a strong India. Additionally, we need to have good neighborly relations to ensure peace and prosperity.

Indian intellectuals must not be part of the problem. In contrast, they must be part of the solution to overcome the leadership challenges. All stakeholders including intellectuals, educators, government, NGOs, and industry must collaborate and work hard earnestly to build a strong India. We must enhance employability skills in Indian students and encourage entrepreneurship in Indian youth. More entrepreneurs mean more opportunities resulting in rapid economic growth.

India has the potential for consumer consumption and can deliver services and products at low cost effectively without compromising the quality.

India is blessed with several strategic advantages and strengths. India is gifted with both natural resources and human resources. It is time we realized the importance of human resources dominated by the young population and utilized them for nation-building. Here are some more strengths of India that no other nation in the world has presently:

  • We are proud to say that India is the largest democracy in the world.

  • We are proud to say that India has the largest speaking English population in the world.

  • We are proud to say that India is a hope for billions of people in the world. There are several people who came to India and made India their home. It is the melting pot. India is noted for its cultural richness and diversity.

  • We are proud to say that India has the oldest civilization and the youngest population in the world.

We are strong in mathematics. We are strong in Information Technology. We invented zero. Albert Einstein once remarked, “We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.” We teach yoga to the world. We are proud to say that the only nation in the world which is widely watched presently is India. Therefore, we must be proud of being Indians. Without your support, our nation would not have come to this level. Therefore, I speak with conviction that we are going to lead this world.

We have achieved independence with lots of struggles and sacrifices by our forefathers. We must work hard to preserve our hard-won freedom to ensure that we take India in the right direction at a fast pace. Let us present India in a positive perspective. Let us work hard to elevate India's image globally. The world is changing rapidly with changes in technology. We must work hard to keep pace with the world to avail the existing global opportunities to lead India as a global superpower.

India is a nation of hope! India is a nation of aspirations! India is a nation of expectations! Remember, the 21st century belongs to India and Indians. India will grow as a power and Indians will grow globally in all spheres spreading India's cultural richness and greatness. We are blessed with several inherent strengths. We must explore and utilize our strengths to build a strong and vibrant India. Let us look at the door that is opened. Be responsible. Be accountable. Be duty-oriented. Make a difference in the lives of others. Lead India! Lead the world! God bless India. Jai Hind!

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Things You Don’t Know about Professor M. S. Rao”

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Note: I had COVID. I had a brain hemorrhage. I was in bed for five months. My right hand is paralyzed. I am recovering. Thanks for understanding and empathy.

Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.

Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India


Vision 2030:






See the Light in You:

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