According to Jim Collins, there are five levels of leadership. The level 1 leaders are good at their work individually. They can contribute their best individually both efficiently and effectively. The Level 2 leaders are not only efficient and effective but also work in teams effectively thus gelling well with team members. Level 3 leaders are competent managers who can get the work done effectively and efficiently from level 1 and level 2 leaders. The Level 4 leaders think ahead of Level 3 leaders as they have a clear vision of where they intend to go and take their team members forward. Finally, the level 5 leaders are highly passionate and don't mind who gets credit for their contribution. They have humility and professional will. Such leaders take organizations to greater heights of glory. Level 5 leaders are required to take organizations from good to great. Are there level 6 leaders beyond level 5 leaders? Let us look at the same.
Level 6 Leaders
Level 6 leaders work with passion, patience, and perseverance. They emphasize values and ethics. They empathize with others. They believe in values-based leadership. They build further leaders thus ensuring the longevity of the organizations. They know how to inspire the motivate people. They are master trainers and mentor others. They are transformational leaders with a passion for making others believe in themselves for the good of others. They are knowledge leaders having specialized knowledge. They are thought leaders who see the invisible and forecast future requirements that are beyond the reach of normal leaders.
Level 6 leaders strive for the personal and professional success of their followers. They handhold, guide and groom them as leaders. They create more leaders to take things forward. They ensure the longevity of the organization without expecting any rewards and returns.
To conclude, level 6 leaders create more leaders. They are above level 5 leaders. They are humane and kindhearted. They believe in soft leadership that blends both soft and hard skills. These leaders are legends who will be remembered for several generations for their commitment and making a difference in the lives of others.
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Note: I had a brain hemorrhage. I was in bed for five months. My right hand has been numb and paralyzed. I am recovering. Thanks for empathizing with me. With gratitude.
Life is great!
Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.
Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India
Vision 2030:
See the Light in You:
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