Friday 5 July 2024

Global Leadership: Search For Similarities, Not Differences—Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.—The Father of “Soft Leadership” & International Leadership Guru


The present world demands a unique leadership to tackle the challenges arising out of complexity and uncertainty globally. We can call it global leadership because the current globalization opened the floodgates of the economy by collapsing the borders and integrating the entire world.

Global leadership is the ability to unify all forces and factors under one platform to achieve global goals and objectives such as saving the environment, maintaining peace and security, and ensuring all-around prosperity for humankind. It calls for unique traits and qualities essential to molding global leaders. These leaders must be equipped with tools and techniques such as mindset, skill set, and toolset to name succinctly. Let us look at a few of these traits:

Global mindset: They need to think globally with a global mindset. They cannot just develop a global mindset by merely reading books. Books will help with theoretical inputs and equip them to have a fair idea about global leadership. What is required is to work in a cross-cultural ambiance to develop a global mindset and experience the challenges.

Cultural competency: Love your mother, but don’t hate others’ mother. You need to love your culture and respect others’ culture as well. The leaders need to learn and empathize with others and must be strong at both cultural competence and cultural flexibility which is possible only when they have cultural tolerance.

High internal locus of control: Global leaders must have a high internal locus of control where they must have the mental ability to pull the strings towards their goals. Usually, things don't go as scheduled. Things go out of control due to the forces and factors which are beyond human control. Besides, it is difficult to predict what happens next due to the rising complexity. Leaders with strong internal locus of control will be in a better position to take on global challenges.

Managing uncertainty and complexity: Learn to accept the reality that things are getting more uncertain and complex due to rapid changes in technology. It is tough to predict where the technology will take us to the next level. Therefore, leaders must be prepared mentally to face the challenges head-on. They should learn to live with uncertainty and complexity.

Change is constant: Global leaders must have the flexibility to change constantly with the changing conditions. What goes on well today may not go well tomorrow as the rules of the game are constantly redrawn. They should learn to reinvent themselves situational, socially, culturally, technologically, and politically to sail smoothly and successfully along with the global stream.

Knowledge workers: The leaders must be open to learning and development constantly. They should open up their minds and hearts to welcome all cultures and communities wholeheartedly without any prejudices. They must be specialized in a few areas to stay ahead of others and to stand out from the pack. Passion to learn and grow must be the slogan for these leaders. Above all, they should share their knowledge as knowledge grows when shared.

Appreciate similarities, not differences: It is rightly said, "Every country is our country because it is the country of our God." Leaders must be in a position to realize and respect cultural differences and similarities. They must have the ability to connect people culturally through a common thread by highlighting the similarities rather than by focusing on differences. It helps in binding and bonding mankind emotionally paving the way for common goals—global peace, prosperity, and ecology.

No one can become a global leader overnight. It is a step-by-step process where the leaders have to undergo the process by taking up assignments globally. They must understand cultural diversity and undergo diversity training periodically. They need to update themselves regularly by sharing their knowledge and by becoming knowledge leaders. Finally, leaders need to demonstrate more soft skills rather than hard skills to gain acceptance and evolve as global leaders.

Takeaway: Practice global leadership

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Things You Don’t Know about Professor M. S. Rao”

Read my ‘Vision 2030 One Million Global Leaders’ URL:

Note: I had COVID. I had a brain hemorrhage. I was in bed for five months. My right hand is paralyzed. I am recovering. Thanks for understanding and empathy.

Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.

Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India


Vision 2030:






See the Light in You:

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