Friday 6 September 2024

How Leaders Can Speak With Conviction When It Really Matters—Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.—The Father of “Soft Leadership” & International Leadership Guru


"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men, the conviction and the will to carry on." —Walter Lippmann

Conviction is the key ingredient for soft leadership without which the soft leaders cannot lead successfully. It is their convictions that take soft leaders forward and make their people move forward toward achieving their goals. Some leaders died for their people due to their convictions. They never compromised and stood like a rock despite stiff opposition and challenges and threats to their lives. If you look at leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Dalai Lama, and Aung San Sui Kyi they are the leaders who are the symbol of sacrifices for their convictions. Let us briefly look at convictions in this regard.

What is Conviction?

Convictions are strongly held beliefs and values that spring from the heart of the people. If your convictions are strong you will find strength in your words and deeds. You will not speak from your mind but from your heart. Nicolas de Chamfort said, "Conviction is the conscience of the mind." Some leaders are prepared to die for their convictions. Some leaders died for their convictions as they did not give up their convictions. Some leaders underwent trials and tribulations and suffered silently to stand by their convictions.

Convictions are not meant to please others. Convictions are meant for you as they allow you to be firmly on your feet. Sometimes people may not approve convictions of leaders. But they gradually realize and accept over some time when they are convinced. Therefore, acceptance and rejection of convictions are secondary. Fundamentally convictions must convince you first so that you can walk your talk.

Leaders can only lead when their convictions are strong. They will be able to influence others with their convictions. The people also expect their leaders to command strong convictions so that they can take pride in being associated with their leaders.

Convictions and Soft Leadership

It is hard to imagine leadership without firmly showing one's convictions. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. firmly believed in his convictions. He did not appreciate the inequality between blacks from whites. He sacrificed his life for the cause of the civil rights movement and, finally, became a martyr. People followed him because of his convictions. He could lead the movement successfully because of his convictions. Hence, convictions are the key things for leadership. He did not allow any violence to take place. He led the movement through non-violence and peace. He finally proved himself as a symbol of soft leadership.

Is Conviction a Double-Edged Sword?

Conviction can be a double-edged sword. Sometimes leaders don't care who gets destroyed as they are firm in their convictions. For instance, Adolph Hitler had convictions against Jews and put them in concentration camps and killed many Jews. He even persuaded Germans through his rhetoric and persecuted Jews. On the other hand, if you take soft leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, and Mother Teresa they made a lot of difference to their societies through their convictions. Therefore, the leaders have to be careful in their convictions.

Are You the Driver or the Passenger of Your Destiny?

You must become the driver of your destiny. Your destiny is in your hands. Your success is in your hands. You must not allow others to dictate your journey. Don't remain like a passenger, but behave like a driver to take your life towards the destination you want to reach as per your passions and convictions. After all, it is your life. You need to take calls where to go and how to go. However, you can seek inputs and guidance to reach your destination. Ultimately it is your call about your life and destiny. To conclude in the words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward through the night"


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Note: I had COVID. I had a brain hemorrhage. I was in bed for five months. My right hand is paralyzed. I am recovering. Thanks for understanding and empathy.

Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.

Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India


Vision 2030:






See the Light in You:

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