Monday 5 August 2024

How to Establish Yourself as a Thought Leader Globally—Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.—The Father of “Soft Leadership” & International Leadership Guru


"The only irreplaceable capital an organization possesses is the knowledge and ability of its people. The productivity of that capital depends on how effectively people share their competence with those who can use it." —Andrew Carnegie

Thought leadership is the application of new ideas and insights for the benefit of others. It calls for creativity and innovation irrespective of the areas of interest. Joel Kurtzman coined this concept way back in 1994. Gradually the concept has spread to other spheres.

Thought leadership is an extension of opinion leadership. Opinion leadership believes in expressing only opinions. However, thought leadership is beyond expressing one's opinions. It is like reflections where value is added by facts and figures. These leaders share their ideas and encourage others' ideas as well. They are the champion of novel ideas and insights.

An organization can also adopt the concept of thought leadership and be active in furthering ideas and insights for the benefit of all. It is neither top-down nor down-top leadership. Thought leaders are leaders who have knowledge, experience, expertise, and ideas to share with others. They have firm and fixed opinions and ideas about the issues and they openly advocate and share with others. At times they are eccentrics and loners. They may not be good at interpersonal skills and social skills. But they think out of the box. They are different people. They are trailblazers and go by the road less traveled.

These leaders are deeply immersed in their activities and they are thinkers and experts in their domains. They constantly create new things and add value for themselves. They are usually loners and lions and walk alone. They are highly passionate about their work and dreams. Here are some attributes of thought leaders.

  • Thought leaders know how to impact others. They not only have ideas but also can articulate their ideas. At times they amplify what exists in the right way. These leaders change the people either through speaking writing or both. They stand out from the pack. They are filled with intellectual integrity.

  • They have a passion for improving the system. They are liberal and generous. They share their knowledge and riches. They believe in bringing out the best among the people. They are intrinsically motivated. They have compassion and humility.

  • They like to be provoked and challenged by others. They energize themselves by spreading and sharing their knowledge. They are original and analytical thinkers. They are creators of ideas carriers of information and messengers of love, peace, and prosperity.

  • They see the big picture and are good at conceptual skills.

  • They are excellent communicators.

  • They are extroverts and enjoy conversations and learn a lot through discussions and deliberations.

  • They are learners with strong convictions.

  • They don’t make decisions under pressure or temptations. They look at the pros and cons and make decisions keeping the interests of others.

  • They cannot think ill of others as their minds are busy with optimistic thoughts. They are surrounded by positive people who spread positive vibes.

  • They always look for a better way of doing things. They are unconventional and rebellious temperament.

  • They scribble their countless thoughts to enlighten and educate others.

  • They have an urge to help and serve others.

Bloggers who share their knowledge can be called thought leaders. They share their knowledge with the world. They know that knowledge should not stay in one place. When water stays in one place it stinks. Similarly, the thought leaders don't let their knowledge remain with them.

Thought leaders are essential to spreading the message of knowledge from one generation to another. They are the torchbearers and champions of human progress, prosperity, and peace.

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Things You Don’t Know about Professor M. S. Rao”

Read my ‘Vision 2030 One Million Global Leaders’ URL:

Note: I had COVID. I had a brain hemorrhage. I was in bed for five months. My right hand is paralyzed. I am recovering. Thanks for understanding and empathy.

Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.

Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India


Vision 2030:






See the Light in You:

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This is a nonprofit blog to share Professor M.S. Rao’s passion and vision to build one million students as global leaders by 2030. Please don't cut articles from my blog and redistribute by email or post to the web. The use of this material is free provided the copyright is acknowledged and reference or link is made to the Blog This material may not be sold, or published in any form, or used in the provision of business services to a third party without permission.

Saturday 3 August 2024

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How to Achieve Cyber Security?—Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.—The Father of “Soft Leadership” & International Leadership Guru


I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We’ve created life in our own image.” —Stephen Hawking

Cyber security has become a major challenge globally. Previously nations waged war on land, air, and sea. Presently they wage war through cyberspace. Apart from nations, global organizations find it challenging to ensure cyber security. Research shows that cyberattacks are costing global businesses. The banking and financial sectors have led the way as top targets for cyberattacks in the last five years, with IT and telecom, defense, and the oil and gas sectors following behind. The risks arising from cyberattacks and incidents include the possibility of theft, damage to property, loss of vital data and customers, and loss of confidential information to competitors. Here are some reasons that prevent organizations from preparing against cyber risks—inability to analyze the challenge; inability to hire the right talent; budget constraints; underrating the risk; and inability to adapt and embrace the change.


From bank accounts to financial systems, power grids to air traffic controls—our most critical infrastructure remain attractive cyber targets, and if they are ever compromised, the effects could be devastating.” —Mike Quigley

The UK Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) unfolds that most of cyber-attacks can be prevented or mitigated by basic information risk management. Here are some tips to minimize cyber risk. Companies must create a culture of cyber security the way they create organizational culture. They must assess their risk appetite and involve all stakeholders.

There is a growing demand for ICT workers currently. Hence, there is a need for cyber education, skills, and products. Presently people steal on the road. In the future, they will steal data without your knowledge. Hence, individuals, organizations, and CEOs must understand cyber security and take appropriate steps to prevent their organizational data from being stolen. There is no "silver bullet" solution for cyber security. To conclude, you have entered cyberspace where the experts and hackers have the details of your activities with documentary evidence. Therefore, the onus lies with you to ensure the safety of your data and protect your privacy.

The first step in securing our cyber future is education, and that means everything from educating individuals to companies to the next generation of IT professionals.” —Dan Lipinski

As the world is increasingly interconnected, everyone shares the responsibility of securing cyberspace.” —Newton Lee, Counterterrorism and Cybersecurity: Total Information Awareness

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Things You Don’t Know about Professor M. S. Rao”

Read my ‘Vision 2030 One Million Global Leaders’ URL:

Note: I had COVID. I had a brain hemorrhage. I was in bed for five months. My right hand is paralyzed. I am recovering. Thanks for understanding and empathy.

Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.

Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India


Vision 2030:






See the Light in You:

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Copyright©2024 MSR Leadership Consultants India. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

This is a nonprofit blog to share Professor M.S. Rao’s passion and vision to build one million students as global leaders by 2030. Please don't cut articles from my blog and redistribute by email or post to the web. The use of this material is free provided the copyright is acknowledged and reference or link is made to the Blog This material may not be sold, or published in any form, or used in the provision of business services to a third party without permission.

Friday 2 August 2024

How to Write Your Statement of Purpose (SoP)—The Father of “Soft Leadership” & International Leadership Guru


What is SOP?

Statement of Purpose (SoP) is all essaying about yourself and where you see yourself in the future professionally and personally. It contains entire information about your career goals, ambitions, and aspirations in a nutshell. Why do you want to pursue a specific higher course or research? Why do you want to join a specific educational institution and what value will you add? Ideally, it should not be more than 2 pages. SoP is called by different names globally. For instance, it is known as a Statement of Intent, Goals Statement, Letter of Intent, and so on.

SoP is all about what you are where you want to reach what are your areas of interest and why you want to acquire and hone those areas. It reflects your future career path. It is different from a CV as a CV is a reflection of what you have achieved while the SoP is all about how you want to achieve. Succinctly SoP is a roadmap for your future.

SoP is needed especially for the students pursuing higher education. It is the general practice to seek such a statement by the admission committee to have a fair idea about the potential candidate. It is also needed when someone wants to pursue PhD and post-doctoral courses.


SOP helps the prospective institution know about your areas of interest and passions. It appears like a CV but in a brief format and beyond a CV. It appears like a cover letter to your CV in a capsule format but beyond the cover letter. CV presents your academic and work experience and a cover letter provides the condensed content of your CV. Both your CV and cover letter don't present the goals and ambitions you have. Hence, SoP helps overcome where you want to see yourself in the future going beyond both your CV and cover letter.


The admission committee looks for a crisp and clear presentation of information. It must be original and well-punched. State clearly what value you will add for yourself and the institution. A good SoP helps you stand out. Although your CV is not strong with an academic profile, the right SoP tips the scale in favor of admission. Here are the nuggets to craft a good SoP.

  • Do thorough research about the university you intend to join.

  • Be specific and clear in your approach.

  • Don’t make it like a cookie-cutter SoP.

  • Be crisp and clear.

  • Write in an active voice preferably and in simple language. Don't show your strength in vocabulary.

  • Make it as brief as possible. If it is longer, the reader might lose interest in your content.

  • Get it proofread and edited by experts or friends to avoid any typographical errors.

  • Proofread several times to get the best SoP. If possible, read aloud your script to find out any inconsistencies.

A Take-Home Message

Students must know and learn about SoP and how to write it effectively to create a favorable impact on the admission committee. The researchers must be clear of their area of interest and approach the right institution and the faculty for pursuing their PhD or Post Doctoral Courses. To conclude, crafting a good SoP serves in introspecting yourself as well as in achieving your career success in a chosen institution and area of interest. Good luck!

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Things You Don’t Know about Professor M. S. Rao”

Read my ‘Vision 2030 One Million Global Leaders’ URL:

Note: I had COVID. I had a brain hemorrhage. I was in bed for five months. My right hand is paralyzed. I am recovering. Thanks for understanding and empathy.

Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.

Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India


Vision 2030:






See the Light in You:

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Copyright©2024 MSR Leadership Consultants India. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

This is a nonprofit blog to share Professor M.S. Rao’s passion and vision to build one million students as global leaders by 2030. Please don't cut articles from my blog and redistribute by email or post to the web. The use of this material is free provided the copyright is acknowledged and reference or link is made to the Blog This material may not be sold, or published in any form, or used in the provision of business services to a third party without permission.

Is Doctoral Degree A Decoration Or A Qualification?—Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.—The Father of “Soft Leadership” & International Leadership Guru


The average Ph.D. thesis is nothing but a transference of bones from one graveyard to another.” ―James Frank Dobie

There is a heated debate within academia about the doctoral degree (PhD) whether it is a qualification or a mere decoration. Nowadays, the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in India has made a PhD mandatory for acquiring a Professorship in educational institutions. In addition, a PhD is imperative for directorial positions and the posts of principal. It has become a thorny issue for people who hail from industrial and corporate backgrounds who don't possess a PhD. However, they have rich corporate experience under their belt. As they are beset by corporate pressures they don't find an academic ambiance to pursue a doctoral degree. In contrast, academicians who want to grow in academia pursue PhD comfortably as they are already in an academic ambiance. However, they don't have corporate experience. Those who have a passion for teaching give up their lucrative corporate careers and join academics. Unfortunately, they are relegated to a background in academia as they don't have a PhD despite having vast industrial experience and practical exposure.

Hence, those who want to progress in the academic world are compelled to pursue a PhD. And pursuing PhD is not an easy thing. There are so many challenges while pursuing a PhD. I have seen few people who are highly capable with industrial experience leaving PhD in the initial stage itself due to non-cooperation from their guides and due to highly egoistic academicians.

Few mischievous guides in India exploit research scholars in the name of research. They deliberately delay the research process to draw more attention from their research scholars or seek some favors. Having fed up with mischievous research guides few research scholars have given up pursuing a PhD forever. It is also observed that there are PhD holders who don't have any academic stamina but bag doctoral degrees by manipulations. These days AICTE has made PhD mandatory for becoming professors and directors. Previously people with considerable industry background enjoyed the status of professorship. However, the recent tightening of the noose by AICTE to possess PhD for becoming professors forced educators from industry backgrounds behind in academia.

Some of the research scholars help pile up their guides' resumes with their publications. Some of the research scholars shell out their personal money to meet their guides' miscellaneous expenses. Some guides compel their research scholars to spend money when they go for paper presentations. If research scholars don't spend money their PhD will be delayed. Few unscrupulous guides in India have vitiated research and academic ambiance for their selfish gains.

For a few academicians who regularly sharpen their saws doing research for PhD and post-doctoral degrees, research is a passion. Such passionate academicians feel let down by unscrupulous guides who claim to the super persons with big egos and who have the habit of disagreeing with what is produced and created by the research scholars.

I have seen few experts in academics have a passion to acquire a PhD and ultimately end up without a PhD due to such unscrupulous guides. Few guides think of themselves as demigods and treat their research scholars with sadism thus leaving a bad impression among the ambitious research scholars who have a passion to make a difference in research and acquiring a PhD.

Unlike other postgraduate qualifications that can be acquired through examinations where the evaluators don't know who the examinees are, a PhD has to be done with the supervision of guides. As a result, completion of a PhD is in the sole hands of the guide.

I have seen a woman faculty with strong academic credentials who was awarded as the best teacher from a prestigious education institution pursuing her PhD in Indian education. The guide deliberately sent the thesis to a foreign country for evaluation and almost after a year, the evaluators returned with comments that they were not experts in Indian education and that they would not evaluate the PhD thesis. The woman faculty was upset about the way the guide deliberately did in this way thus delaying her PhD. She would have acquired a PhD within 4 years and now it is almost 7 years and is still struggling with her PhD with her guide who happens to be a woman.

Few guides trouble their research scholars when the latter don't meet their personal demands and expectations. Sometimes it could be money or writing papers for guides so that guides can publish in their names and take credit for publications.

If you want to grow academically you must possess PhD in most of the countries. Having a PhD helps widen your research skills thus becoming a successful academician. However, the road to acquisition of a PhD is a tough task with several challenges for research scholars especially in a country like India. To conclude, the acquisition of a doctoral degree has become a decoration for industry experts, a qualification for academicians, and a paper degree for passionate researchers in India.

If a journal ever says they are having difficulty in finding reviewers―this is good! It means you’re in a small pool of people and working on something nobody else is.” ―Sir Peter Ratcliffe

Have the strength of a horse, the hide of an elephant, and the work ethic of a bee." —Laureate Fraser Stoddart tells us what he thinks makes a good researcher.


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Things You Don’t Know about Professor M. S. Rao”

Read my ‘Vision 2030 One Million Global Leaders’ URL:

Note: I had COVID. I had a brain hemorrhage. I was in bed for five months. My right hand is paralyzed. I am recovering. Thanks for understanding and empathy.

Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.

Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India


Vision 2030:






See the Light in You:

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Copyright©2024 MSR Leadership Consultants India. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

This is a nonprofit blog to share Professor M.S. Rao’s passion and vision to build one million students as global leaders by 2030. Please don't cut articles from my blog and redistribute by email or post to the web. The use of this material is free provided the copyright is acknowledged and reference or link is made to the Blog This material may not be sold, or published in any form, or used in the provision of business services to a third party without permission.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Tips for Successful Internal Branding Efforts—Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.—The Father of “Soft Leadership” & International Leadership Guru


When you look at a company like Infosys it has built a strong internal brand internally based on values. Infosys worked hard to create such a prestigious brand for many years and it has lived up to it so far. Similarly, when you look at companies such as FedEx they have successfully built their brands internally helped them brand themselves externally well, and reap returns accordingly. In this context, we will discuss Internal Brand Connect.

Employees represent the image of the organization. If employees are well groomed through the right organizational culture and climate, they will reflect the same outside the organization thus enhancing the image of the organization.

Internal Brand Connect helps the employees connect with other employees effectively. It paves the way for the quick passing of information and enables quick decision-making. We often talk of branding the organization externally. However, internal brand connect helps in branding internally. As external branding helps connect with outside people internal brand connect helps connect people within the organization thus they can feel proud of their organization. It ultimately results in organizational effectiveness and excellence. It helps employees understand the organizational vision and mission. It enhances employee engagement and productivity thus enhancing the bottom lines.

Companies cannot build external brands by ignoring internal culture. If you want to grow outside you must grow inside first. If you want to grow global you must grow local first. Similarly, when you want to build your brand externally you need to build your brand internally first.

Tips for Internal Brand Connect

Organizational culture depends on the organizational climate and the employees' connectivity with others. Efforts must be made to make sure that all employees consistently speak with one voice with clients and customers as it sends a strong message. Here are the tips to connect employees internally.

  • Build a healthy organizational climate

  • Provide efficient internal communication.

  • Conduct meetings, functions, and parties regularly to connect all employees

  • Make the expectations of customers and clients to employees clear periodically as it helps them project and present the right culture to outside people.

  • Align employees’ attitudes and behavior as per the vision and mission of the organization from time to time so that they stay glued to the track.

  • Above all, harness their energies constantly as per the organizational vision and mission.

Companies must first build their brand image internally so that they can build their brands outside successfully. When employees take pride in their company that is automatically reflected outside thus elevating the image of the organization outside successfully. It is also rightly said that if you want to win outside you must first learn to win at your home. Similarly, internal brand connection helps in a big way for organizational productivity and performance.

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Things You Don’t Know about Professor M. S. Rao”

Read my ‘Vision 2030 One Million Global Leaders’ URL:

Note: I had COVID. I had a brain hemorrhage. I was in bed for five months. My right hand is paralyzed. I am recovering. Thanks for understanding and empathy.

Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao, Ph.D.

Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India


Vision 2030:






See the Light in You:

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Copyright©2024 MSR Leadership Consultants India. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

This is a nonprofit blog to share Professor M.S. Rao’s passion and vision to build one million students as global leaders by 2030. Please don't cut articles from my blog and redistribute by email or post to the web. The use of this material is free provided the copyright is acknowledged and reference or link is made to the Blog This material may not be sold, or published in any form, or used in the provision of business services to a third party without permission.