Friday, 4 October 2019

“Social media has become a second life for Gen Y and Gen Z.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“Social media has become a second life for Gen Y and Gen Z.” —Professor M.S. Rao
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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“When you want to become a legend, you must live for tomorrow, not today.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“When you want to become a legend, you must live for tomorrow, not today.” —Professor M.S. Rao
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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“Overcome your unpleasant past because life is not perfect.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“Overcome your unpleasant past because life is not perfect.” —Professor M.S. Rao
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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“Life is all about letting go, learning lessons, and moving on without regrets. Life is great.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“Life is all about letting go, learning lessons, and moving on without regrets. Life is great.” —Professor M.S. Rao  
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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“The funny thing about relationships is that they run on expectations and realities. Expectations lead to disappointment and realities leave you in pain. Therefore, don’t expect anything from others and learn to live with realities. Life is great.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“The funny thing about relationships is that they run on expectations and realities. Expectations lead to disappointment and realities leave you in pain. Therefore, don’t expect anything from others and learn to live with realities. Life is great.” —Professor M.S. Rao
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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Wednesday, 2 October 2019

So What? Move On. Life Is Great.―Share if You Care!

Many people waste their precious time thinking about their past unpleasant events and experiences especially their relationships. Most individuals are aware that the past cannot be changed and the future cannot be predicted.  Yet they make the mistake of brooding about the things that are beyond their control. Therefore, wisdom lies in living in the present. In this post, I offer tips to move on with your life to lead a peaceful and happy life.  

Tips to Move on with Your Life

Life is all about moving on without any regrets. Appreciate the fact that life is all about making mistakes, learning lessons, and moving forward with valuable takeaways. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, but what is wrong is brooding over the mistakes excessively. Here are some tips to let go of your unpleasant past. Forget the negative aspects. Focus on the positive aspects of your life. Surround with positive people. Create positive vibrations. Forgive the wrongdoers and forget the unpleasant events and experiences. Do one good thing every day. Make others feel important. Add value to others. Express your gratitude to God for gifting you this precious life.

I have encountered several challenges in life. I analyzed them, addressed them effectively and moved on with my life. It is essential to avoid carrying emotional baggage. Never think that you alone have challenges in life. It is a well-admitted fact that everyone has challenges in their life. Some have major challenges while some have minor challenges. Be thick-skinned. Face challenges head-on. Leave no room for regrets. Never blame external circumstances. Take responsibility and move on with your life. If you think that issues are beyond your control, learn to live with them. If you think that issues are under your control, address them and move on. Don’t give excessive importance to insignificant issues and individuals. Emphasize your creative pursuits to unlock your passion and excel in life.


Overcome your unpleasant past because life is not perfect. Remember that the funny thing about relationships is they run on expectations and realities. Expectations lead to disappointment and realities leave you in pain. Therefore, avoid expecting anything from others and learn to live with realities. To summarize, there are many ways you can overcome your unpleasant experiences and events. Concentrate your mind to serve others. Utilize your time productively. Join nonprofits. Serve others. Add value. Make a difference in the lives of others. Never compromise with your ideals. Don’t suffer silently. Lead your life with dignity and honor. Remember that you only live once. So, move on. Life is great.


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Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao
Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India

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