Tuesday 3 September 2019

“Millennial tourism can be defined as niche tourism by millennial travelers who are adventurous to explore tourist destinations by taking breaks from their workplaces, thriving in risks and danger, and leading their lives meaningfully.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“Millennial tourism can be defined as niche tourism by millennial travelers who are adventurous to explore tourist destinations by taking breaks from their workplaces, thriving in risks and danger, and leading their lives meaningfully.” —Professor M.S. Rao
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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Tuesday 20 August 2019

How to Interview Celebrities Successfully?―Share if You Care!

There is an assumption that conducting interviews and giving interviews are easy tasks. They are tough tasks indeed especially when you conduct interviews with celebrities. If becoming a celebrity and giving interviews is one thing, interviewing a celebrity is another thing. Both tasks need the right platforms to share ideas and build leadership brands. In this post, I will discuss interviewing celebrities, etiquette, and tips to interview celebrities successfully.

You must join appropriate platforms to connect with celebrities and use your connections wisely to reach them through various means including email, telephone, and personal interaction. It is advisable to approach them through your reliable connections because they give comfort and confidence to the celebrities.  Additionally, celebrities have their apprehensions and insecurities.  

How to Interview Celebrities?

Prepare a template and customize your questions according to the interests of the celebrities and their profession. Here is a blueprint to interview celebrities successfully.
  • Research intensively about the celebrity and find out their areas of interests to connect with them before the interview and frame questions accordingly.   
  • Capture the ideas that flash through your mind first. Convert them into questions. Present them into a polished language. Avoid irrelevant questions and repetition. Structure and sequence them. Edit them ruthlessly.
  • Don’t give the questions to the interviewees in advance to achieve the right outcomes. However, you may share an outline of the interview in advance to enable the interviewee to prepare mentally.
  • Observe etiquette and respect their privacy.
  • Avoid close-ended questions. Ask open-ended questions to get the best.
  • Avoid asking embarrassing, controversial and personal questions. Instead, hit the bull’s eye with right questions. Don’t ask questions based on rumors and grapevine.
  • Listen attentively and empathetically. Don’t interrupt. If there is a need to interrupt, wait for a pause during the conversation and ask your question politely. Avoid creating an impression that you have cut off the interviewee.
  • Avoid outsmarting the interviewee. Don’t control the conversation. Let the interviewee speak freely.
  • Be unique and add value to your audiences by asking innovative and useful questions. Respect the time of your audiences and readers.  
  • Indicate a signpost when you are about to close the interview.


Research and preparation are the keys to successful celebrity interviews. Take liberty to deviate from the questions to have a natural flow of conversation. Take intrapersonal feedback after the interview to improve. Practice a lot and improve regularly to excel as a successful interviewer. To summarize, don’t give up if the celebrities don’t agree to your interview requests. Be patient and persistent. It is worth trying to add value and stand out from others. Good luck to your successful interviews!

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Life is great!

Professor M.S. Rao
Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India

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Monday 19 August 2019

“Space tourism offers space tourists with unique orbital and suborbital experiences. It explores extraterrestrial life, aliens, and enjoying space and technology. It is unconventional tourism where space tourists travel to other planets to understand and experience space technology and explore options to colonize for better opportunities.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“Space tourism offers space tourists with unique orbital and suborbital experiences. It explores extraterrestrial life, aliens, and enjoying space and technology. It is unconventional tourism where space tourists travel to other planets to understand and experience space technology and explore options to colonize for better opportunities.” —Professor M.S. Rao
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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“There will be many actors that are just as brilliant, but never will there be another Chiranjeevi in the Indian film industry.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“There will be many actors that are just as brilliant, but never will there be another Chiranjeevi in the Indian film industry.” —Professor M.S. Rao
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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“There will be many politicians that are just as brilliant, but never will there be another Narendra Modi in Indian politics.” —Professor M.S. Rao

“There will be many politicians that are just as brilliant, but never will there be another Narendra Modi in Indian politics.” —Professor M.S. Rao
Vision 2030: One Million Global Leaders

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