Sunday 17 May 2015

“Clean the Minds of Indians First to Create a ‘Clean India’ (Swatchh Bharat)”– Professor M.S.Rao

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” ―Mahatma Gandhi

Indian Prime Minster Narendra Modi started Swatchh Bharat (clean India) mission on October, 02, 2014 on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The mission is expected to be completed by October 02, 2019 to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birthday. The objective is to create a hygiene India.  The movement is catching up across the country and the political parties are competing with each other to display their serious commitment to make India a clean country.   But I feel that it is essential to clean the minds of Indians first. It is essential to replace cynicism with optimism; negative attitude with positive attitude; procrastination with punctuality; parochialism with fraternity; regionalism with nationalism.

It is observed that film stars and celebrities clean the street to take photographs with their brooms and walk away with publicity. It has become a brand building exercise to them rather than adding a true value to create a clean India.  At times, political parties ask film stars and celebrities to create awareness in the citizens. Any movement must start from the hearts of the people, not from their minds to make it a great success.  There must a collaborative effort to clean the minds and hearts of Indians. In fact, former Prime Minster of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew cleaned streets long ago to make Singapore a clean country. He was a visionary leader who built a great country in the world despite dearth of natural resources.

India is a country of many contrasts. India is a land of unity in diversity. We have different languages, religions, ethnicities, castes, cultures, and communities. What is required is to respect all communities keeping secularism as paramount.

The dress we wear is important. At the same time our minds and hearts must be pure and pious. They must be free from pollution. Hence, let us cultivate a positive, right, and strong attitude to make India as a great country in the world.  Remember, mental disease is more dangerous than physical disease. When our minds are strong we can overcome any kind of diseases. Hence, ensure Swatchh Bharat not only physically but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually to build a great India. Jai Hind!

"We reached Mars. No PM or Minister went. It was the people who did it, our scientists who did it. So can't we create a Clean India?" ―Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister

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Professor M.S.Rao, India
Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants India
Listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World in 2013
Vision 2030 Webinar:
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21 Success Sutras for Leaders: Top 10 Leadership Books of the Year (San Diego University) Amazon URL:

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Wednesday 13 May 2015

“Good People are Rare to Get in this World! – If You Find them, Keep them Close to Your Heart”– Professor M.S.Rao

“A great leader needs to love and respect people, and he needs to be comfortable with himself and with the world. He also needs to be able to forgive himself and others. In other words, a leader needs grace.” — Leo Hindery Jr.

I have come across many people in my life who take their kith and kin for granted. They also take good people around them for granted. At times they exploit good people with their selfish motives. I wanted to share a few thoughts on this topic today.

Presently it is rare to find good people globally as many people are selfish. They often think of adding value to them, not to others. If you find people who think of adding value to others, respect them and encourage them to build a better world. Life is very short and nobody takes away the wealth at the time of death. Leave a good legacy. Make a difference. When you depart this world, you either leave with good reputation or bad reputation. Why don’t you leave with good reputation worth emulated by others? Why don’t you live with values? Why don’t you leave a good leadership legacy? Remember, there is always victory for values, not for people who cut corners and look for short-term gains.

I have come across a professional who worked in the publishing industry. I signed an agreement with the prestigious publishing company to publish my book in India in 2011. The person who worked in the company left the organization. Another person took over who stood by commitment and published the book in 2012. He said, “Institutions are more important than individuals. Individuals come and go but the institutions survive. We must keep the objectives of institutions as paramount irrespective of the disagreement we have with our colleagues.” On the other hand, I had a bitter experience with an eminent publisher in India with whom I signed my book proposal in 2010. The people who worked and were responsible for clearing my book proposal left the organization.  A new team arrived and created their clauses and cancelled my agreement. I felt very bad about the organization for letting me down.

I am still in touch with the publisher who cleared my book proposal because of his commitment and value system. I have forgotten many people who have cheated me. But I still remember that person for his commitment and ethical values. To conclude, if you get good people in your life, keep them close to your heart. Don’t take them for granted. Good people are rare to find in this world! Don’t undermine them just because they are close to you. Don’t take them for granted just because they are easily available in front of you. Remember, you never know the value of what you have till you lose it.

“Good manners are essential. No matter what the message, the situation, we listen and respond with respect and, always good manners.” —Frances Hesselbein

“If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love.” —Maya Angelou

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Professor M.S.Rao, India
Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants India
Listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World in 2013
Vision 2030 Webinar:
Twitter: @professormsrao  
21 Success Sutras for Leaders: Top 10 Leadership Books of the Year (San Diego University) Amazon URL:

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“Stories of Three Inspiring Leaders with their Passion, Excellence and Commitment”– Professor M.S.Rao

“Great leaders move us. They ignite our passion and inspire the best in us.” - Daniel Goleman.

I personally appreciate three traits that lead to an amazing success – passion, excellence and commitment. Most leaders possess these three traits that make them stand out from others.  Let us look at three inspiring leaders who emphasized passion, excellence and commitment.


When you look at Steve Jobs, he was noted for his passion towards technology. Although many other opportunities knocked at his doors, he never gave up his passion towards technology which made him as a legendary innovation leader globally. He co-founded Apple Computers in a garage and strove hard throughout his life. He took Apple to great heights. He was fired by the company due to the differences. Steve Jobs did not lose his hope, and did not give up his passion. He followed his heart, started his company NeXT and did well. When the Apple was close to bankruptcy, Steve Jobs was requested by the company to join. He joined the Apple and brought out many innovations and took the company to great heights globally. Steve Jobs said, “Winners don’t quit because they are passionate about their work. If you are not passionate, you will quit because when things become difficult our will say this is not my kind of stuff.”  Apple is a great turnaround story under the leadership of Steve Jobs. He made a difference in the lives of people. Hence, you must follow your heart to make it big in your life.


Whatever the area of interest you are into, you must strive for excellence. If you don’t emphasize excellence, you will be left out in the race. Since the world is highly competitive, it is essential to adapt, update and excel in your area of interest.  If you work hard sincerely and consistently in your area of interest for 10,000 hours, you will become a successful professional and leader. If you continue working hard further in the same area, you will be able to brand as an expert globally.  Abraham Lincoln’s father was a cobbler.  Although Lincoln had differences with his father he always respected his father’s profession. When an opposition leader in Senate commented upon Lincoln taking over as President being as the son of a cobbler, Lincoln took it in his stride and silenced his critic by asserting that he was proud of his father who excelled in his work as a great cobbler.  Hence, we must always take pride in what we are doing.  There is nothing like good or bad profession.  All professions are good when people work with excellence. Hence, emphasize excellence to remain relevant and stay ahead of times and technologies.


You must stand by your commitment, if you want to earn trust and confidence from others. Don’t go by short-term temptations. Think of long-term interests. Keep people before profit. Marshall Goldsmith shares his admiration for Frances Hesselbein and her commitment in his award-winning book Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts - Becoming the Person You Want to Be as follows:  A few years ago, Frances got an invitation to the White House. The White House date conflicted with her commitment to speak to a small nonprofit group in Denver. To most people this wouldn’t be a conundrum: A meeting with the president of the United States or an unpaid speech in Denver? We call the folks in Denver, explain the situation, offer to reschedule or promise to come back the next year. After all, it’s a pro bono. We’re doing the folks in Denver a favor. They’ll understand.  Frances went the other way. She told the White House she wouldn’t be attending. “I have a commitment,” she said. “They’re expecting me.” (The real kicker for Marshall Goldsmith, the cherry on top of this integrity sundae: Frances never told the Denver group about the White House invitation.)

To conclude, learn lessons from these inspiring leaders and acquire three great traits – passion, excellence and commitment to stand out and grow as a great leader.

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” -  Aristotle 

Secrets of Your Leadership Success - The 11 Indispensable E’s of a Leader by M. S. Rao (Shroff Publishers & Distributors)
Smart Leadership: Lessons for Leaders by M. S. Rao (Sterling Publishers)
Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts--Becoming the Person You Want to Be by Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter (Crown Business, May 19, 2015)

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Life is great!

Professor M.S.Rao, India
Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants India
Listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World in 2013
Vision 2030 Webinar:
Twitter: @professormsrao  
21 Success Sutras for Leaders: Top 10 Leadership Books of the Year (San Diego University) Amazon URL:

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